Floyd County Board of Supervisors is accepting bids for a three-year maintenance agreement for the new boilers that were placed February 2023 in the Floyd County Court House, located at 100 East Main Street Floyd VA. 24091. The two boilers are heated with propane gas. Weil McLain Models, Two (2) 550K BTUs each. Bidding work shall consist of service upkeep with a respectable repair time when needed, at a reasonable cost. For any sealed bids submission related questions, or on-site visit scheduling, please contact Mark Bolt at 540-745-9374, or by e-mail mbolt@floydcova.gov
All sealed bids will be due by the deadline of 4:00 PM Thursday November 9th, 2023. Bids may be emailed by the due date and time, although a hard copy shall be delivered or mailed within 5 workdays from the due date. All bids shall be mailed to P.O. Box 218, Floyd, VA 24091, or delivered to 120 West Oxford Street, Floyd VA, 24091. Attn: Accounting department. E-mail accounting@floydcova.org
All bidding contractors shall supply a copy of their contractor’s license and insurance with their proposed bid. Floyd County reserves the right to reject any, and all bids and shall negotiate fees in accordance with funding availability.
Floyd County is an equal opportunity employer.