Board of Supervisors
Floyd County Administration Building
202 E Main St
P.O. Box 218
Floyd, Virginia 24091
Joe Turman (Chairman)
Burks Fork District
Jerry Boothe (Vice Chairman)
Courthouse District
Linda DeVito
Little River District
Kalinda Bechtold
Indian Valley District
Levi Cox
Locust Grove District
Phone: (540) 745-9300
Fax: (540) 745-9305
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
E-mail: lmillsaps@floydcova.gov
Members of the Board of Supervisors
What is the Board of Supervisors?
The Floyd County Board of Supervisors is comprised of five Board members, representing the five electoral districts of the County. Supervisors are elected for four year terms on staggered two year intervals.
Terms begin on January 1 following the elections in November. At the annual organizational meeting, the Board elects a Chairman and a Vice Chairman and establishes the calendar of meeting dates for the year. The Chairman and Vice Chairman continue to be voting members of the governing body.
Regular meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month at 8:30am and the fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:00pm in the Board Room of the County Administration Building, 120 West Oxford Street, Floyd. Adjourned or special called meetings are scheduled when necessary. All meetings are open to the public. A Public Comment Period is held at each regular meeting.
The Board may go into closed session to discuss matters inappropriate for discussion in open session (i.e., personnel, economic development or litigation issues). No votes or action may be taken in closed session. Following the closed session, the Board must adopt a resolution certifying that no other items of business were discussed than those which were previously announced.
The Board of Supervisors has both administrative and legislative responsibilities, some of which are discharged in the role of the local governing body and some of which have derived from its function as an administrative subdivision of the State. The powers and duties of the Board of Supervisors include:
Preparing the County budget and appropriate funds
Levying tax rates
Appointing members of various Boards and Commissions
Construction and maintenance of County buildings
Adopting and enforcing ordinances for law enforcement, sanitation, health and other regulations as permitted by State law
Adopting the County’s comprehensive land use plan and approving/enforcing related ordinance
Frequently Asked Questions:
What district do I live in?
Floyd County is divided into five electoral districts. To determine which district you live in, see iGIS. Select Map Layers tab on top toolbar, select Administrative folder, and select voting districts.
How can I contact my Supervisor?
Each Board member is listed in the local telephone directory.
When are Board of Supervisor Meetings held?
Board of Supervisor regular meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month at 8:30am and the fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:00pm in the Board Room of the County Administrative Building, 202 East Main St, Floyd. Meetings are open to the public. Adjourned or special called meetings are scheduled as needed.
Is there a time for the public to speak at the Board meetings?
Yes. A Public Comment Period is scheduled at each regular Board of Supervisors meeting. Speakers are limited to four minutes to address the Board.
Can I get copies of the Board of Supervisors minutes and agendas?
Yes. Board of Supervisors minutes and agendas are available here or from the County Administrator’s Office, PO Box 218, Floyd, VA 24091.
Can I get copies of the County’s yearly audits?
Yes. The County’s Audits are available here or from the County Administrator’s Office, PO Box 218, Floyd, VA 24091.