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202 E Main St.

Floyd, Virginia 24091


Phone: (540) 745-9359

Fax: (540) 745-9305


Office Hours:


8:00 am to 4:30 pm

What is “GIS”?

GIS stands for Geographic Information System. It is a means of displaying and analyzing data that can be referenced geographically. GIS can take data that has been stored in tables, give it geographic references, which can then be displayed graphically on a map.


How does the Floyd County government use the GIS mapping?

The GIS mapping database is relied upon heavily by the County government. Generally speaking, all official “spatial” or map-related data and records of Floyd County government are being made to the public; including all land parcels which are currently being mapped and made available to the public.


Floyd County iGIS–Click Here



There will be charge for printing maps due to the use of time and supplies that are involved. There are two main sizes of maps for sale:

34×44 – $10.00
22×34 – $8.00

  • Maps are available at the Emergency Services Office at 120 West Oxford Street or from the Registrars Office located at 100 East Main Street (Courthouse – 2nd floor)

  • Maps can be mailed by sending $2.00 for shipping and handling plus the cost of the map size ordered to: Emergency Services, P. O. box 218, Floyd, Virginia 24091. Maps are usually mailed within 24 hours.

  • Floyd County maps show both road names and numbers.

  • Questions regarding maps can be answered at (540) 745-9359.


Floyd County Coordinate System:

Coordinate System: US State Plane 1983

Zone: Virginia South 4502

Datum: NAD 1983

Units: US Survey Feet

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